The Taming of the Shrew

Película | Fecha de lanzamiento: 1967 | Estreno de película: 1967 | Medio: Vinyl


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# Pista   Duración
1.Sweet Italy (Main Titles)2:00
2.Students' Masquerade (Ballad of Love)2:47
3.The Two Sisters (Introducing Katherina)3:50
4.Conquest of Katherina4:00
5.I'll Marry You on Sunday5:09
6.Sarabande (In the House of Orthensius)1:26
8.Conquest of Katherina3:05
9.The Taming of the Shrew2:10
10.The Banquet2:52
11.The Taming of Love2:24
12.The Taming of the Shrew (Overture)3:52
14.The Shrew in Love (Finale)2:53
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Otras versiones de The Taming of the Shrew (1967):

Taming of the Shrew, The (1999)
Bisbetica Domata, La (1997)
Bisbetica Domata, La (2007)
Taming of the Shrew, The (2019)

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